Eat Raw: Raw Beef Salad
Why Eat Raw? Well simply because by eating raw, we gain all the nutritional value from the food we consume. This Thai-Style dish, relies on the raw beef to effectively cook in a spicy lemon and fish sauce dressing.
This particular dish focuses on immune health. It needs to be spicy! And chili peppers have amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals too!
All you do is toss...
...Ideally, grass-fed beef, thinly sliced into a salad comprising of:
2-3 roughly chopped spring onions
1-2 thinly sliced tomatoes
about half a thinly sliced large onion
2 thinly chopped garlic cloves
1-2 large birds-eye chilies finely chopped
a good handful of whole mint leaves
Then over the top you squeeze the juice of at least 1 whole lemon or lime (I like it sour so maybe 1 and a half) and then season to taste with fish sauce (use sparingly...it's very strong).
Toss again so that all the juices of the tomatoes and the beef blend with the citrus element and fish sauce; coating all the ingredients.
anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and cancer-busting...to name a few.
Ultimately the quantities of the ingredients are up to you. 'Tis a salad after all!